Pils Trzech Kumpli
PilsIf you know beer – you know Pils. It doesn’t require long introductions before tasting! Straw-coloured, very clear, with a creamy, long-lasting white head. The bitterness is distinct, but short, and the aroma comes from light malt combined with noble hops from Germany and Czech Republic. We trust we produced a solid brew, a very classic, everyday one.
Be sure to try rest beers of the Classic line: Weizen, Bock and Porter!
ABV: 4.4 %
Extract: 10.5 %
IBU: 20
Saaz, Hallertau Mittelfrüh
First batch: January 2017
Water, barley malts, hops, yeast.
Beer suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
Bottle photo
Can photo
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