Owner | Brewer
He invented and created Trzech Kumpli brewery and all our beers. Driven by passion, love for flavours, by willingness to create something new and on his own terms. One-man band, Renaissance man. He invents, brews, drives, manages, coordinates, advises, sells, trains. He knows exactly how he wants his new beer to taste and he knows how to get there. No cutting corners. Gifted with extraordinary senses of taste and smell he looks after each batch. Pathologically hard-working, efficient and detail-oriented, he won’t go easy on typos, label graphic design, or the whole of brewing process. Constantly reads, educates himself, experiments, searches. Demanding, yet the person he demands most from is himself.
Favourite beer of Piotrek’s? American Beauty.
“This beer has everything I seek for in a beer: drinkability, freshness, fruitiness, nice, swift bitterness, elegant clarity, a beautiful label and a lovely story of how the beer was created. We brewed the first batch with my friend, brewer Andrzej Miler. If I had to choose one beer I would drink for the rest of my life, it’d be American Beauty”.

Owner | Brand Manager
It wasn’t easy to talk her into quitting a stable, well-paid job and join forces with Piotrek when the brewery needed a boost after a promising start. What eventually convinced her was the fact that she had already been in it knee-deep anyway, working for the brewery full time.
She carefully looks after our marketing strategy, ensures consistency of the presentation and quality in everything inside and outside of the bottle. Her favourite tool at work is intuition, which serves us perfectly especially with the “We support what we like” project. She’s been a part of every strategic decision regarding the brewery and it was her who came up with the name Pan IPAni! There’s no doubt that there would be no Trzech Kumpli without her.
Favourite beer: Pan IPAni.
“Pani IPAni tastes great and has many lovers, but it’s a special beer for me personally, mostly because of the time of its origin. It was our breakthrough craft, one that strengthened our position on the market, got new fans. Pan IPAni was made with love, somewhere between folding laundry, walks with kids and cooking dinner. It made us believe that we can do it, that quitting our jobs was a good idea. It’s amazing to hear that it is now a classic, a drink that converts many people to the world of craft beers.”

Sales director
He has been fascinated by the world of beer for many years. He has already brewed his first brew in the Robust Porter style. However, this beer was not appreciated by the jury at one of the beer competitions and therefore he decided to remain in the sales department 🙂 This is his true passion. He loves talking to customers. He contributes to the development of their business and ensures that they receive the highest quality product, on time and as agreed.
Finding the best way to develop a particular client’s category is not an easy task, but it gives Andrzej maximum satisfaction. Responsibility for assigned tasks and people is in his DNA. Privately, he is a happy dad of Dominika and Natalia, who loves spending time with his friends and his loved ones. He goes skiing in winter, he rides a bike in summer and moreover, in his free time, he takes care of his garden.
At Trzech Kumpli, he is responsible for commercial matters in the HoReCa, traditional and modern channel.
Andrew’s favourite beer?
„In spring and summer, I definitely go for beers in the IPA and APA styles: Pan IPAni, Wonder Haze and beers from the ONINNI range. In autumn and winter, I prefer Baltic Porter and Oaty, and of course the wonderful non-alcoholic IPA Unplugged during the day.”

International sales | Restaurants and hotels | Offers and orders
Her willingness to throw herself into a difficult experiment impressed us from the get-go. She created a virtually non-existent role on the craft beer market: an advisor, partner, consultant for restaurants, hotels and non-standard culinary projects. She looks after promotion and distribution of the brand in venues in Warsaw, but also other cities, which requires a lot of flexibility and grit. She feels at home at fine-dining restaurants as well as behind the tap at a craft beer pub, where she worked for many hours. Our Internet security guardian, our invaluable internal critic.
Natalia’s favourite beer? Brew Note.
„I like Brew Note, because it’s easy to drink. It’s dark, but the American hops give it great citrusy flavours. Oh, and I love the label!”

Sales | Distributors
An experienced seller with many years of practice. He is curious about the world and new challenges. He appreciates order and teamwork. A lover of good cuisine and sports activities. He likes going to the mountains with which his secret plans are connected. A big fan of the Brewery, whose lucky day was on Friday the 13th when he read our job announcement.
Marek’s favorite beer:
“Impossible to choose one. The first is Califia. After the first sip, I knew it was what I was looking for. Strong bitterness combined with surprising citrus fruits. Very drinkable. The second of my favorites is Taura. This time the choice was made for its juiciness, softness and equally great drinkability.”

Sales | Order fulfillment | Local distribution
Originally from Tarnów, but precisely from Mościce. He made his debut in the Trzech Kumpli team in September 2015 during the second edition of the Beerweek Festival in Krakow and since then he has constantly supported us at various events and also locally in our shop in Tarnów. He is currently a permanent member of Trzech Kumpli’s team, which he joined after many years of work in the corporate catering industry, from which he gained extensive experience in dealing with customers. Now you can check his skills in our shop in Tarnów. Maciek will help you with the choice of beers and he will be happy to talk about the Premier League football, of which he is a big fan.
Maciek’s favorite beer?
“There are two: Califia – for its magical aroma, a pleasant but not excessive bitterness and the fact that despite being a strong IPA, it remains very, very drinkable; it disappears from the glass in the blink of an eye;). The second one is MVPils, for its typical lightness of pils and for its great character coming from American hops. And of course for the basketball logo on the label … I have spent half of my youth on the basketball court! “

Pubs | Brewer
Well-known and well-liked in the world of Polish crafts, Kuba gained experience working behind the taps of Krakow bars: House of Beer, Tap House as well as at the brew-house of an established Polish brewery Pracownia Piwa. Kuba has also run numerous workshops, tastings and events related to craft beer. On top of that, he’s attended uncountable beer festivals and driven miles and miles to get to the best events.
He’s a judge at the Polish Homebrewers Association and the Beer Judge Certification Program.
A lover and a ruthless critic of artisanal beers, he’s been known to give honest feedback to Trzech Kumpli beers too (although he rarely has a reason to criticise!). In a word: he is highly experienced in craft beer world.
At Trzech Kumpli, he is responsible for production planning, beer quality control and development of the brewery’s offer. In particular, he is in charge of the program of maturing strong beers in wooden barrels.
Kuba’s favourite beer?
“That’s not an easy question — to choose only one seems impossible! On one hand I’m a great fan of Grodziskie, which I can drink faster than any other beer. On the other hand, I love the fun you can have with the new wave hops. Here my absolute favourite is Amok, where Glaxy, Nelson Sauvin and Sabro (among others) create a unique and complex composition of flavour and unforgettable aroma.”

Pub keeper | #MamyTrzechKumpli program | Festivals and events
Kraft enthusiast since the early days of the beer revolution in Poland. He has been professionally associated with the industry since 2014, when he became the manager of one of the most important stores on the Krakow beer map. Customers found him passionate and eagerly returned to hear his captivating stories about beer, from the history of barley to the schedule of upcoming beer festivals. As befits an enthusiast, he “converted many lost sheep to kraft”. What he appreciates most at work is the direct contact with people who, like him, are interested in beer and everything related to it. He likes talking, tasting and convincing people that everyone will find something for themselves on the shelves with craft beer. In his spare time, he does crossfit, he practices mountain orienteering and he is a lover of tinkering.
At Trzech Kumpli, he is responsible for contact with pubs, the #MamyTrzechKumpli program and he represents the brewery at all kinds of events.
Łukasz’s favourite beer?
“Each new beer, because he likes tasting what he has never drunk before. Among the fixed positions he appreciates the light beers and the session ones – Pia, Oaty and of course W Stylu Grodziskie as well as The Unplugged series“.

Order fulfillment | Festivals
A part of Trzech Kumpli since the beginning. His role has changed through the years quite dynamically: from brewing in the kitchen together, through our Tarnow shop renovation, to covering festivals and pub orders. Undeterred at taking part in all our events, he preps, packs, cleans, sets up and then pours beer to your cup at our stand. A handyman, a master of funny gaffes and an old-school dude: he still uses his notepad to keep track of the keg orders.
Tymek’s favourite beer? Pils.
“My fascination with beer has come a full circle, after drinking intense IPAs it is Pils that I’ve been enjoying most often since last year. A light, universal everyday beer – yet with character.”

Development projects | Partnerships
She joined us at the last moment and saved us from exhaustion. Why hadn’t we thought of hiring someone like that earlier! Quick, efficient, extremely well-organised. She manages our relationship with shops and warehouses, supervises orders, packing and transport of tens of thousands of bottles every week. At the same time she makes sure we never run out of supplies and merchandise, such as boxes, bottle caps and holders, cups, t-shirts etc. She excels at special and almost-impossible tasks.
Iwona’s favourite beer? Misty.
“I like Misty as it’s so aromatic. You get a hit from the fruit even before taking the first sip. Thanks to its cloudy structure it looks beautiful in a glass and it tastes great, too: Misty is smooth, silky and disappears so quickly it almost begs for a re-fill!”

Shop in Tarnów | Local orders
He joined us quite recently and we can already tell it was a good call. An experienced home brewer, craft beer lover. The shop in Tarnów is his workplace now, where he serves the clients, advises and helps decide those undecided ones. He makes sure the place is neat and tidy, and most of all, well stocked. Tomek is very efficient at developing our local distribution, so that Tarnovians have a chance to drink our beer not only at home, but also at neighbour bars and restaurants. His positive can-do attitude is also super helpful when it comes to our other local initiatives.
Tomek’s favourite beer? Califia.
„It was love at first smell, first sip. The name says it all: Califia is the queen of the Amazon warriors, alluring yet dangerous. I love it for its amazing aroma, for being potent yet very drinkable and easy. It’s without a doubt the sunniest beer in Trzech Kumpli repertoire – and I for one really like sun.”

You certainly know him from festivals or from our shop in Tarnów. Although he has another full-time job, he always supports us when we are simply short-handed. Useful, hardworking and reliable. We can always rely on him. It’s great to have such a backup!

Przemek and Michał
Przemek and Michał. At first, it was strictly business between us, then common love for beer and now it’s true, close friendship. Founders and owners of the Zapanbrat Brewery where we brew our beers. Friends and brothers, yin and yang, they love good beer, great food and having fun as much as we do. We share the same sense of humour and sometimes understand each other without words. After a couple of years together we can honestly say that life has challenged us with some ups and downs, but each hurdle has only strengthened us and our mutual respect.
It’s a pleasure to come and work at Zapanbrat Brewery.They built an excellent team of brewers, warehouse workers, planners, logistics managers – role titles don’t matter as really, what counts is that they managed to create a wonderful work atmosphere.
We couldn’t have even imagined such partners at brewing our beers and here they came, knights in shining armours It’s good to have you guys, thank you and high five!