Demode, or a nerdy Bock in collaboration with Łańcut Brewery

It was with great joy that we, together with Łańcut Brewery, brewed Demode. Firstly, because we really appreciate our brewer neighbours, and secondly, because we enjoyed having some to drink a good old bock with.
Double bock has its roots back in the Middle Ages, where it was expected to provide the monks with physical fortitude during fasting periods. Right now, you can call it a ‘counterrevolutionary’ beer, as the main focus is on the malty flavours instead of the traditionally reigning hops.
This beer spent three months in tanks, and we premiered it on Saturday, 25th January 2020 in House of Beer – Krakow, during a double tapover – ours and Browar Łańcut. It is available in shops since 27 January.
Try this outdated bock, and remind yourself that malt is beer’s main ingredient. Cheers!