Have you ever wondered how many life changing ideas originated in a kitchen? We might not have hard data on this, but we know of at least one such idea. Trzech Kumpli brewery was conceived in a kitchen in Tarnów, where three pals from primary school took their first steps at home brewing. Let’s just say that the quality of those first few batches was inversely proportional to the mess we made, but with each new brewing we were learning something new and our beers were getting better and better. We learnt how to select malt, hops and yeast, how to run the fermentation, how to plan our nano production. From the very beginning we treated it seriously, as if it was a small brewery. This lesson bore yielded positive results in the future…
It was 2011 and the first craft breweries were just starting, but we already felt that one day we are going to be a part of this incredible movement. In July 2014 we brewed a first commercial batch in a neighbour artisan brewery. Our idea was to work in a contractual system, where we would use big breweries spare production capacities while learning how to move to our own place. During the next few years we brewed in four different breweries, to finally find our home in Browar Zapanbrat in 2017. We make a great team with the folks working there and our partnership is a real treasure!
Today Trzech Kumpli along with Browar Zapanbrat is a craft-beer-obsessed group of 16 people. We still feel the same excitement we felt in that kitchen years ago. Truly, beermaking is like a virus, once it’s in your bloodstream there’s no getting it out

Our approach is very simple, it’s how we started and how we will continue to brew. Beer’s quality is number one for us. We don’t rush, we don’t cut corners, we pay attention to the smallest details. Beer is to be flawless, exactly how we would like to have it. Our main goal is to brew world-class quality beers. How do we do it?
First of all we use highest quality ingredients: impeccable malt, super aromatic and extremely fresh hops from USA, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Czech Republic and Poland. Our yeast has perfect conditions to conduct a healthy, stormy and clean fermentation and super clear, oxygen-free bottling complete the process. Simple, isn’t it?
We do not hurry. If the aroma isn’t perfect, we add hops and wait. We don’t rush the beermakers, we don’t cut corners, we don’t tolerate compromise during production. Making beer means constant development and searching: we learn something new every day and this strive to take with us to the next brewing. We want every batch to be better than the last.
We also pay a lot of attention to the graphic design of our beers, because we want them to be not only tasty, but also beautiful. Just like our beers, the labels are created in a “slow” fashion. Beautiful beer needs a beautiful cover.
We will continue improving our current beers and brew new ones. We have plenty of ideas, from easy, everyday beers, through stronger ones to those aged in oak barrels. Brewing is a whole universe of creative opportunities, there are new styles or variations invented every year, farmers offer new kinds of hops, laboratories grow new amazing yeast strains. We’re spoilt for choice!
We grow our production, increase our capacity but we not at breakneck speed. We evolve organically. We’re happy that we manage to keep our identity and remain a family company.
At first, we thought we would build our own brewery, probably in Tarnów, or more precisely in Mościce, the district where the brewery’s head office and our company shop are located. We imagined it not only as a place to produce the excellent beers by Trzech Kumpli, but also as a way to animate the local community. However, the reality of recent years has heavily modified and re-evaluated our dreams and plans. Our main focus now is on the quality of our beers and our ability to continue brewing them. We already know that development is not necessarily limited to something “more”: more in terms of quantity, popularity, speed. We are acting smarter, slower, with caution and with more respect for the resources we have. We have just realized that our goal has always been and always will be to brew world-class beers, and to do that we already have everything we need.